Education at Your Fingertips:
Self-Study Resources
Learn at your own pace on your own time with the AAHPM Learn online educational platform.
The platform allows learners to improve skills, extend professional knowledge and competence, and continue professional development all in one place.
Read more about AAHPM Learn and updates to product access.
We continuously review, revise, and create high-quality educational resources you can access on your time, in your location.
HPM PASS, 4th Ed.
The new HPM PASS 4th Edition is an ultimate virtual flashcard study guide, helping physicians, fellows and advanced practice providers with their diagnostic reasoning, clinical judgment, and practice knowledge of hospice and palliative medicine. This mock exam and associated study guide include questions and response critiques to help you identify focus areas and prepare you for the HPM medical boards.
Essential Practices of Hospice and Palliative Medicine
Essential Practices of Hospice and Palliative Medicine provides a critical foundation for healthcare practitioners and practitioners in training who want to incorporate the principles of hospice and palliative medicine into their daily practice. All 9 modules are paperback books. You can also purchase online, confidence-based learning modules that offer CME credits.
Primer of Palliative Care, 7th Ed.
The Primer of Palliative Care is a comprehensive introductory text essential for all healthcare providers interested in hospice and palliative care. The 7th edition includes chapters on pain management, dyspnea, caring during the last hours of life, pediatrics, and more. This book comes in softcover format.
For a more focused assessment, we offer four mini practice tests with the HPM FAST modules. Focusing on four critical topics in the field, HPM FAST modules are 25-item online practice tests to offer additional educational content on multiple topic areas. Each module also offers CME and MOC.
Hospice Products
AAHPM offers a variety of hospice products to support your practice within your interdisciplinary team and organization. Whether you have recently become a hospice physician, are currently a hospice medical director, or are interested in the practice of hospice care, there is a product for you.
Interactive Educational Activities
AAHPM's catalog of interactive activities and video recordings provides you with on-the-go education and guided learning formats to enhance your educational experience.
Opiod Prescribing and Risk Management
AAHPM is part of the Collaborative for REMS Education (CO*RE), a collaboration of diverse organizations that receives funding to provide education for prescribers of opioid analgesics. No cost education activities provide CME, meet MATE requirements and most state pain/opioid education requirements. The activities are fully compliant with the Opioid REMS education requirements in the FDA Blueprint. CO*RE is also pleased to provide access to curated current resources and tools.
2024 Trainings:
Continued Access to Pain Management and Opioids: Balancing Risks and Benefits (CO*RE REMS Activity)
On-demand in AAHPM Learn, 2.5 CME/MOC, available through September 30, 2024 -
Striking a Balance: Understanding Pain: Management and Opioids
Omni Louisville, Wednesday, August 8, 2024, 8:30-11 am
AAHPM was awarded accreditation as a provider of CME for physicians by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education through November 30, 2025.