Take Action
Today’s changing practice environment requires you to be an effective advocate for your patients and your profession. You are key to ensuring that policymakers understand the benefits of hospice and palliative care and how you and your patients are impacted by the latest health policy proposals. With information and tools from AAHPM, it’s easy to get started.
AAHPM Legislative Action Center
Congressional Management Foundation surveys show constituent interactions strongly influence lawmakers’ decisions, and advocates are more effective when they provide personal stories and information about the impact a bill/issue would have on their district or state.
AAHPM’s Legislative Action Center makes it simple to review legislation relevant to you, like the Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act (PCHETA). Share your perspectives with your representatives in Congress and begin building relationships that are key to ensuring sound health policy.
Support the Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act (PCHETA)
During the 118th Congress, PCHETA has been reintroduced in the U.S. Senate as S. 2243. This bipartisan legislation, developed by AAHPM, has been endorsed by over 90 organizations. These groups – which include the Alzheimer's Association, American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, the American Heart Association, the National Alliance for Caregiving, and the Catholic Health Association of the United States – are working, along with our Academy, to build support for the bill, which passed in the U.S. House of Representatives during the 115th and 116th Congresses.
PCHETA would expand opportunities for interdisciplinary education and training in palliative care, inform patients and health professionals about the benefits of palliative care and the services available to support patients with serious illness, and direct funding toward palliative care research to strengthen clinical practice and healthcare delivery. Review a bill summary.
Contact your lawmakers in Congress today! Ask them to cosponsor PCHETA and urge congressional leaders to advance the bill.
Constituent Meetings
As a hospice and palliative care professional, you are not only a constituent but an expert resource on health policy issues. Are you interested in setting up a meeting with your members of Congress and their staff to discuss the needs of patients and families facing serious illness? Are you looking to invite your representative to tour your facility and see how the decisions they make impact the services you provide?
Contact AAHPM’s This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for assistance.