Custom Blocks

Assembly Navigation Block

This block is being displayed inside a 25% width column

Edit the links in the Annual Assembly Menu

CTA Block

The CTA block references a “Call to action” post or uses one of content.

AAHPM Mentor Match

AAHPM developed Mentor Match to connect our members with mentors to help guide you in your practice or address professional questions while working in hospice and palliative medicine.

Blue Image Block

This is a blue image block

Search for available jobs

Past President

Holly Yang

Scripps Health

San Diego, CA

Organization Block

Test Org
American Cancer Society
Cambia Health Foundation
Hospice & Palliative Nurses Foundation
GBR Medical
Legally Mine
National Alliance for Care at Home

Partially Bolded Heading

This red section consists of a “Top Curve Block“, a full-width Group with a red background, and a “Bottom Curve Block“. This text, and the partially bolded heading, are inside the group. This is the method used to create all wavy blocks throughout the site.

Post In Columns Block

Schedule at a glance

12:00 A.M. Morning Greeting
1:00 A.M. Intro session

Sepia Image Block

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce tincidunt risus sapien, quis luctus libero accumsan eu. Vestibulum malesuada, lectus in ornare laoreet, diam dolor pulvinar ante, commodo pellentesque quam diam quis augue.

“This is a Testimonial Block. On this page the block is displayed in between a top curve block and a bottom curve block. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce tincidunt risus sapien, quis luctus libero accumsan eu. Vestibulum malesuada, lectus in ornare laoreet, diam dolor pulvinar ante, commodo pellentesque quam diam quis augue.”

–Anne Smith, AAHPM

Image/ Color Split

Image/ Color Split block with image on the left and dark blue background