Summer 2023

Charting a Path for Scientific Research on Serious Illness Care
Larry Beresford Major changes are coming to the landscape of scientific research on the care of patients with serious illnesses. These impending transitions are creating questions for the community of hospice and palliative care research scientists. What will the future...
In this Issue
A Message from the President
Making Progress in Hospice Advocacy
THANK YOU again to all physician members of AAHPM who are also American Medical Association (AMA) members. Every 5 years, AMA looks to see how many of its physicians are members of both organizations, and in 2023 we were successful...
Clinical Pearls
To FAST or Not to FAST?
Lauren Templeton, DO HMDC FAAHPM Dr. Barry Reisberg developed scales to correspond to his “retrogenesis” theory stipulating a degenerative reversal of normal human development in primary degenerative dementia.1,2 In 1988, he published the Functional Assessment Staging Tool (FAST), a seven-stage,...
Art of Caring
For Maia
Steven R. Roth, MD HMDC FAAFP How precious is a lifetime. How precious is a day. How precious is the moment that So blithely slips away. In a day, a flower blooms. It opens petals wide. And in a day,...
Advocacy Update
Advocating for Postpandemic Telehealth Priorities: Ensuring Access and Equity
Lauren Templeton, DO HMDC FAAHPM Dr. Barry Reisberg developed scales to correspond to his “retrogenesis” theory stipulating a degenerative reversal of normal human development in primary degenerative dementia.1,2 In 1988, he published the Functional Assessment Staging Tool (FAST), a seven-stage,...
Beyond Typical General Inpatient (GIP) Level of Care Criteria: What Does ‘Stability’ Mean?
Welcome to AAHPM Quarterly's inaugural Roadblocks column. Each quarter, this column will use a clinical case to focus on a specific scenario faced by hospice and palliative care teams. Two or more interdisciplinary team members will comment on the specific...
Celebrating DEI at the Annual Assembly of Hospice and Palliative Care
Heather A. Harris, MD FAAHPM, and Sonia Malhotra, MD MS FAAP After 3 long years of connecting via Zoom, we were so excited to meet in Montréal in person this year at the Annual Assembly of Hospice and Palliative Care....
AAHPM Partner Updates
HMDCB New Continuing Certification Program Update
HMDCB is excited to announce the launch of a new Continuing Certification Program (CCP) in 2024. This new program will eliminate the high-stakes recertification exam and provide certificants with ongoing learning through a longitudinal assessment. The goals of this new...
Congratulations to the New Leaders of Our Special Interest Groups and Forums
These individuals were elected by their special interest groups (SIGs) and forums and began their terms at the close of the 2023 Annual Assembly of Hospice and Palliative Care. Thank you for providing your leadership to these groups. Cancer and...
Quarterly Progress Report
AAHPM Points of Progress
Welcome to AAHPM Quarterly's inaugural Roadblocks column. Each quarter, this column will use a clinical case to focus on a specific scenario faced by hospice and palliative care teams. Two or more interdisciplinary team members will comment on the specific...