Summer 2022

Message Lab Points Serious Illness Care Messaging in a Positive Direction
Larry Beresford Palliative care, hospice, and advance care planning provide highly valued supportive services for people who are struggling with manifestations of a serious illness, for their families, and for their healthcare providers. But after many years of advocates trying...
In this Issue
A Message from the President
AAHPM Membership: Fostering Connections
Emerging from the depths of the pandemic, many of us are searching for a new norm. Too many are working from unstable footing, with underresourced and overworked teams, or experiencing mental fatigue that dampens creativity and impairs mission-driven focus. America’s...
Clinical Pearls
Ventilator Withdrawal
Eric Prommer, MD HMDC FAAHPM Withdrawal of ventilator support is ethically acceptable and respects patient autonomy. Although most often done in the hospital setting, home ventilator withdrawal is increasing as hospice teams gain experience. Unfortunately, published protocols have not led...
Art of Caring
Meet Me
Ellen Wild, RN CHPN Meet me where I am on this journey… Meet me where I am on this journey I invite you to walk alongside me Experience this journey with me Look into my eyes…see my fears…my strengths…and my...
Advocacy Update
New Priorities, New Voices—A Report from the 2022 Annual Meeting of the AMA House of Delegates
Jacqueline M. Kocinski, MPP Nearly 700 physicians, residents, and medical students descended on Chicago in June, eager to convene the national body of medicine, the American Medical Association (AMA) House of Delegates (HOD). Thanks to the COVID-19 public health emergency...
Gender Equity in Hospice and Palliative Care: Why It Matters and How to Effect Change
Ruth M. Thomson, DO MBA HMDC FACOI FAAHPM, and Asher Caldwell, MSN ANP-BC ACHPN The Human Rights Campaign reports that recent US Census data show more than a 40% increase in the number of people who identify as transgender.1 This...
Quarterly Progress Report
AAHPM Points of Progress
More than 40 committees and task forces representing the efforts and expertise of hundreds of Academy members have made significant progress toward implementing AAHPM’s goals. This progress report highlights accomplishments within each goal area of the strategic plan, with an...