Summer 2018

Looking for Balance in Prescribing Opioids
By Larry Beresford More than 42,000 Americans died of opioid overdoses in 2016. Although the public health crisis of nonmedical opioid use is complex and multifactorial, including consideration of patients who were prescribed opioid analgesics for pain, the illicit diversion...
In this Issue
All About Essentials
Essential Practices in Hospice and Palliative Medicine is a self-study series comprising nine books and corresponding online learning modules that each focus on a specific topic in hospice and palliative medicine. We spoke with Vincent Jay Vanston, MD DC HMDC...
The Art of Caring
Three Ceremonies
Patrick Clary, MD for my mother I. Decision Road Seven years from first diagnosis to goodbye, to St. Mary, the mountain filling her picture window, edge to edge, goodbye to the Bitterroot, close enough to hear the whoops of fisherman...
Clinical Pearls
Buprenorphine Use for Patients with Substance Use Disorders
Amy L. Davis, DO MS FACP FAAHPM, and Jeremy M. Hirst, MD The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration 2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) estimated that 20.1 million Americans older than 11 years of age...
Advocacy Update
As Policymakers Respond to Opioid Crisis, AAHPM Advocates to Protect Patients with Serious Illness
By Jacqueline M. Kocinski, MPP Headline-grabbing stories of addiction and opioid-related overdose deaths have captured policymakers’ attention and spurred legislative and regulatory efforts to reduce opioid misuse and diversion. Although the efforts are well intentioned, many resulting policies allow for...
Looking for Balance in Prescribing Opioids
By Larry Beresford More than 42,000 Americans died of opioid overdoses in 2016. Although the public health crisis of nonmedical opioid use is complex and multifactorial, including consideration of patients who were prescribed opioid analgesics for pain, the illicit diversion...
HMDCB Update
The Value of Partnerships
Since its inception, the Hospice Medical Director Certification Board (HMDCB) has seen the value in partnering with other organizations in the field to move forward the goal of improving the quality and professional competency of physicians in hospice care. With...
Pathways to Palliative Care
Dr. Sree Battu – From Cancer Rehabilitation to Palliative Care
Marcin Chwistek, MD FAAHPM “What we do in the rehab medicine is so similar to palliative care,” said Sree Battu, MD, during our conversation in early April. We had plans to connect in person at the Annual Assembly but the...
President's Message
Together We Are a Stronger Academy
Tammie Quest, MD FAAHPM At this year’s Annual Assembly, attendees were able to engage in the “We Are” wall, an initiative of the AAHPM Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Committee and sequel to the 2017 “I Am” wall. The wall was...
The Doctor-Patient-God Relationship—‘Doctor, Do You Believe in God?’ Is No Simple Question
Jeffrey T. Berger, MD; Kathleen A. DiGangi Condon, DNP MA; Dana Ribeiro Miller, MDiv LMSW A recent string of comments on the AAHPM Connect platform discussed fielding patients’ religious-focused questions such as, “Doctor, do you believe in God? Miracles? Heaven?”...
Annual Assembly Recap
2018 Annual Assembly Surpassed Expectations—Even with Spring Snowstorm Barreling Down on Boston
Although Mother Nature threw one of her best Nor’Easter storms at Boston a day before the Opening Plenary session of the Annual Assembly of Hospice and Palliative Care, 99% of those who planned to attend the meeting were able to...
Quarterly Progress Report
AAHPM Points of Progress
More than 30 committees, workgroups, and task forces representing the efforts and expertise of hundreds of Academy members have made significant progress toward implementing AAHPM’s goals. This progress report highlights accomplishments within each goal area of the strategic plan during...