Spring 2020

Buprenorphine: Another Tool in the Analgesic Toolbox?
Buprenorphine: Another Tool in the Analgesic Toolbox? By Larry Beresford In an opinion piece posted in April 2019 on the Washington, DC–based news site The Hill, Craig D. Blinderman, MD, director of the Adult Palliative Care Service at Columbia University...
In this Issue
A Message from the President
A Bold New Strategy for the Future
Dear AAHPM Members, Recently, the AAHPM Board of Directors approved a bold new strategic plan that helps prioritize opportunities for the Academy through a refreshed set of goals and objectives. The plan took shape during the past 9 months and...
Meet the President
Meet AAHPM President Rodney O. Tucker, MD MMM FAAHPM
Tucker and his husband, Billy Connelley, enjoy exploring the world. What led you to the specialty of hospice and palliative medicine? I think it happened organically over a period of years early in my private practice medical career. My undergraduate...
Clinical Pearls
Buprenorphine for Pain
Amy L. Davis, DO MS FACP FASAM FAAHPM Uncontrolled pain can negatively affect all aspects of a person's being and is a prevalent concern among those facing serious illness. Managing pain remains a clinical imperative, though the pendulum has swung...
Diversity Equity & Inclusion
Insights from the AMA’s First Chief Health Equity Officer
Members of the AAHPM Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee recently interviewed Aletha Maybank, MD MPH, the first chief health equity officer of the American Medical Association (AMA). In her new role, Maybank is launching the AMA's Center for Health...
Art of Caring
Aiming for the Bull’s-Eye: A Creative Approach to Goals of Care
David Shih Wu, MD FAAHPM Let me tell you a story about a midcareer palliative medicine fellow I once knew. With several years of primary care practice under his belt, he thought he was pretty good at communicating with patients....
Advocacy Update
CMS Finalizes Changes to Physician Fee Schedule for 2020 and Beyond
Jacqueline M. Kocinski, MPP Announcing the latest changes to the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (PFS), the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) stated that the policy and payment updates represent a continuation of the administration's efforts to put "patients...
Pathways to Palliative Care
From Surgery to Palliative Medicine—Six Stories
Marcin Chwistek, MD FAAHPM, and Cory Ingram, MD MS FAAHPM In late 2019, we received an email from Ana Berlin, MD MPH FACS, at Columbia University Medical Center in New York City. She was wondering, on behalf of a group...
HMDCB Update
Initial and CCP Application Cycle Updates and an Update on HMDCB’s Practice Analysis
The 2020 application cycle for initial hospice medical director certification (HMDC) is now open. By becoming certified, you will join more than 1,100 hospice physicians who have chosen to showcase their hospice medicine–specific knowledge and skillset. According to certificant Natalie...
AAHPM Announces Wendy-Jo Toyama as Its New CEO
The AAHPM Board of Directors is pleased to announce that Wendy-Jo Toyama, MBA CAE, will begin as chief executive officer of AAHPM on April 15. "I am delighted Wendy-Jo is joining our outstanding team of professionals who provide excellent service...
Quarterly Progress Report
AAHPM Points of Progress
More than 30 committees and task forces representing the efforts and expertise of hundreds of Academy members have made significant progress toward implementing AAHPM's goals. This progress report highlights accomplishments within each goal area of the strategic plan during the...