How has your approach to care changed over the years? How can Essentials 1 help clinicians just entering the specialty “catch up” with the field?
Over the last 16 years, I have witnessed a change in the acuity of care and expectations of patients enrolling in hospice programs. Now people often want to continue more aggressive palliative interventions and maintenance medications while on hospice services. Early in my career, I often found myself trying to fit patients into the classic hospice “box.” Thankfully, over the years, I have learned that each patient’s needs and goals are unique and we should try to meet their individual needs as best we can. Essentials 1 provides a comprehensive overview of hospice and palliative are, including an explanation of how serious illness and end-of-life care and services have evolved over time. It is excellent to give perspective and honor the history of the care, while bringing the clinician up to speed with today’s delivery of hospice and palliative care.
How would you recommend readers most effectively use the Essentials books and learning modules?
I would recommend readers initially read each module in a more relaxed manner to gain the 30,000-foot view of the specialty and then go back and take a deeper dive into each module. They should then complete the learning modules to assess their understanding of the information and fill in any knowledge gaps.
What was your first contact with the Essentials series? How has it helped you in caring for your patients or teaching your fellows, residents, and students?
I used the UNIPACs very early in my career as a well-respected resource to broaden my knowledge and skills. I have continued to utilize them each time I recertified my HPM boards to brush up on information. I recommend the Essentials series to all new providers in the field as well as students, residents, and fellows.
Why should owners of a previous edition get this one?
The new edition went through a complete remodel-keeping the framework and timeless information, while updating the details. The new edition incorporates a lot of new material, including new case studies, so it is up to date and fresh.
How do you apply the content in the Essentials series to your own practice?
The Essentials series broaches all of the core areas of hospice and palliative care practice, so the information is applicable to all providers in the field as well as those who render primary palliative care as part of their primary care or specialty practice.
How did you approach tackling a book that has undergone a revision every 5 years or so since 1998?
The book has great bones, so my coauthors and I did not feel we needed to rewrite the entire module. We took the approach of breaking the module down into sections to allow us to have better focus. We then determined what information in each section was timeless and could stay as is, what information was still relevant but needed updating, and what new information should be added.
Was there anything that surprised you about the process of revising your book?
At first glance, the process seemed a little overwhelming-where do you start? However, once we got into our groove, it went quite smoothly. For me, the best part of the process was how well my coauthors and I worked together. Module 1 would not have taken shape like it did if it weren’t for the help of Drs. Chirag Patel and Kate Lally-I am very grateful for their talent and dedication!
What do you consider the most exciting or valuable update or change you made to your book?
For me, the most exciting update is the new case studies that incorporate clinical pearls. I feel the most valuable update to the module is the expansion of palliative care information because palliative care delivery has undergone a significant evolution in the last several years.
Look for more information and order your Essentials series at aahpm.org/essentials.