2024 Emerging Leader: Leah Rosenberg

Leah Rosenberg, MD Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School

AAHPM reached out to the 2024 Emerging Leaders to gain insight into what motivated them to pursue leadership positions and what they find more fulfilling in their experiences. Leah Rosenberg, MD has been recognized as one of the exceptional individuals chosen as a 2024 AAHPM Emerging Leader in Hospice and Palliative Care.

Who has most influenced your work and how have they shaped your contributions?
I have been privileged to know such generous mentors in hospice and palliative care. The names that first come to mind are Tony Galanos and Jane Delima Thomas. Not only are they world-class communicators, educators, and innovators, they stand out by treating trainees and peer faculty with respect and support. I think about their example when I interact with learners as well as team members.

What is the significance to you of being recognized as a “Emerging Leader” in Hospice and Palliative Medicine?
I very much appreciate being recognized. I have found my academic and clinical home within our specialty and am very grateful for all these wonderful opportunities.

What is your aspiration for the evolution of hospice and Palliative Medicine?
I would like to see HPM become more of a “household” word as our field continues to grow. I think we could do a better job of outreach to traditionally marginalized communities. I think sustainability will be an ongoing point of exploration for the field and we need to invest in workforce maintenance as well as entry.

Learn more about the AAHPM 2024 Emerging Leaders in Hospice and Palliative Care and view a full list of all current and past Emerging Leaders.