Director At Large

Dio Kavalieratos


2023 - 2026

Emory University

Atlanta, GA

Disclosures: None

Dr. Kavalieratos is an Associate Professor and Director of Research and Quality for the Emory Palliative Care Center in Atlanta, GA. At Emory, Dr. Kavalieratos leads a multidisciplinary team of researchers and clinician-scientists, with a focus on mentoring and career development. As a health services researcher by training, Dr. Kavalieratos’ work focuses on the development and evaluation of palliative care clinical delivery models, particularly in chronic non-cancer illness. Dr. Kavalieratos has been a member of AAHPM for nearly ten years, serving in several volunteer roles, including Chair of the Research Committee and Co-Chair of the Annual Assembly Scientific and QI Subcommittee. In 2019, Dr. Kavalieratos was awarded with AAHPM’s Early Career Investigator Award.